Finception and Finshots

Learning about how economies function is sometimes difficult. But knowing what is happening to our country's economy will tell you a lot of things. It requires so much time and effort to find resources to know the financial and economics news

Indian economy is getting hard to predict as a lot of things are happening under the hood. But, if you're interested to learn what factors are causing the boom and bust in India economy there is a website called Finception, which explains the current happenings about Indian economy and they also cover stock market news which is fun to read sometimes (nerd alert!). 

They also have created another website called Finshots, which deals with financial news of India and the articles only take 3 mins to read. There is also an Android app for the same. 

If you don't want to miss out any updates, you can subscribe to their newsletters

They have written some good articles on Medium too. 

If you are worried about their credibility, know that they have degrees from IIMA and have worked for top MNCs. You can find out about it here.

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