A thing called passion
Passion is a buzzword these days. We listen statements like "passion is all you need" and "you will be happy doing what you're passionate about" and many others. But defining what exactly is your passion is often tough and stressful. There are three attributes which we need to carefully analyze before we become passionate about something.
- Will this help me earn?
- Will it make me happy in the long run?
- Can it last for years?
People put a lot of emphasis on passion and it makes our stress even worse. What if we are unsure of our passion?
Is passion really necessary?
Having a passion is a good thing but it is not mandatory to have one. There comes a phase when we don't know what we are passionate about and it is completely fine. A lot of people are unsure about their passion and do whatever they need to do. Honestly, I don't even know what my passion is.
What is passion?
Passion is something which brings us joy when we do it. That's it, this is the only definition we have. Different people respond differently to this and it is subjective. It ultimately boils down to this - "doing a thing which makes you happy".
The three questions
We laid three questions above which we need to analyze and we will look at them carefully.
1. Will this help me earn?
Some people have photography and some have coding as their passion and it will ultimately make them earn. If you are good at a skill which is on-demand then you must follow it. There is an idea that "when you're really passionate about something, you don't care about how much you earn".
2. Will it make me happy in the long run?
Yes, it will. After all passion is doing something which makes us happy. But the thing is if this happiness is short lived or long lived. I may enjoy binge watching Friends TV Show, but it won't make me happy in the long run, right? Hence, the productive thing we do like exercising or reading a book will make us bored in the short run but will eventually make us happy in the long run.
3. Can it last for years?
It depends on who you are. If you're a person who changes all the time, like me, then it won't. If you are a person who can enjoy a stuff for longer periods of time, then, yes it will last for years to come.
The thing is, it is okay to not have a passion. Why stress out? just do whatever you feel like. Humans have an ultimate adaptive skill viz. they can understand what they like or dislike when they set out for a path. It doesn't matter if you take a right path or the wrong path, all you need to do is take a path. As famous Nike caption says "just do it". If you don't love anything then it is time for you to explore the wider ocean and fall in love with something. There is a sarcastic statement which can be correlated to this passion thing - "if you are not married to someone you loved, then you need to love the one you married or else divorce". It is just a funny way to tell you to pick something you love or else to just leave it.
I got the idea for writing this blog post when I listened to a podcast episode by Zindagi Unplugged. I will provide the link below if you are interested to listen to it.