The Fault In Our Stars Book - Review

The Fault In Our Stars is a young adult fiction novel written by John Green, who is the creator of a YouTube channel called CrashCourse.


This review may contain spoilers. 

Overview of the book

The Fault In Our Stars is a book about a girl named Hazel Grace, who is a cancer survivor who suffers from thyroid cancer. This books showcases how Hazel meets the love of her life, Augustus Waters, who is also a cancer survivor suffering from Osteosarcoma. The rest of the book deals with how Hazel and Augustus start to like each other and how Hazel and Augustus hunt down the author of a book called An Imperial Affliction, which is Hazel's favourite book. The story may be short but the book is full of beautiful experiences Hazel and Augustus go through and how they find their love for each other and the way they communicate. This book has some hidden wisdom nuggets in it which resonated with me personally.

My review of the book 

To sum up, I have learnt many things from this little story. If you expect a great story with many plot twists, this may not be the book for you. This book may not give you a great story to read, but will give you a beautiful experience. 


Overall a good book with decent story. One time read but worth the read.

Some quotes from the book: 

Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.
Pain is like fabric: The stronger it is, the more it’s worth
Writing does not resurrect. It buries.
You are going to live a good and long life filled with great and terrible moments that you cannot even imagine yet!

Post Script  

This book was suggested to me by my friend and we read this book together. I would like to thank that friend for suggesting me such a nice book.  

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